
About Us

Criminal Intelligence Bureaus

CISC Central Bureau: CISC Central Bureau is responsible for the delivery of criminal intelligence products and services to the national law enforcement community and other stakeholders responsible for public safety. It also oversees the maintenance of a criminal intelligence databank on organized crime used by the CISC membership across Canada. CISC Central Bureau is part of National Police Services, which consists of a number of different and specialized programs and services stewarded by the RCMP.

Provincial Bureaus: The ten provincial bureaus operate independently while maintaining national service delivery standards. They focus on activities within their respective provinces and guide the collection, analysis and production of criminal intelligence products and services at the provincial level. The intelligence collected and analyzed through the provincial bureaus is instrumental in the creation of the national intelligence products and services delivered by CISC Central Bureau.


National Executive Committee: CISC's strategic direction is governed by a Constitution and by the National Executive Committee (NEC). As CISC's governing body, the NEC provides strategic leadership to ensure that CISC is able to fulfill its mandate. Meeting annually, the committee is comprised of approximately 25 ex-officio members who are leaders from Canada's law enforcement community at the municipal, provincial and federal levels.

Provincial Executive Committees: The ten provincial criminal intelligence service bureaus receive strategic direction from their Provincial Executive Committee (PEC). Each of the PEC Chairs is an ex-officio member of the National Executive Committee.

National Collaboration

The Criminal Intelligence Network: CISC member agencies exchange information and intelligence on organized criminal activity. CISC Central Bureau classifies member agencies into three categories:

  • Category I – Police Agency: The agency has full police officer authority provided under a Canadian federal or provincial police act. The primary role of the agency is law enforcement and the agency contributes to the criminal intelligence process.
  • Category II – Agency with Specific Law Enforcement Role: The agency has specific but limited law enforcement responsibilities. Its authority is provided under specific federal or provincial legislation (e.g. Customs Act, Immigration Act, Provincial Wildlife Act). Category II Membership may be granted to a foreign law enforcement or intelligence agency if, as determined by the respective Provincial Executive Committee, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the broader criminal intelligence community.
  • Category III – Agency with Role Complementary to Law Enforcement: The agency has no direct law enforcement authority but provides assistance to law enforcement agencies.

Clients, Partners and Stakeholders: CISC is an active member of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police's Organized Crime Committee and the Canadian Integrated Response to Organized Crime (CIROC). In addition, CISC is a member of both the National and Regional Co-ordinating Committees' National Work Plan to Combat Organized Crime, operated by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Justice and Public Safety.

Canadian Law Enforcement Strategy to Combat Organized Crime: The Canadian Law Enforcement Strategy embodies the partnership between the functions of intelligence and operations across all jurisdictions of law enforcement. This agreement enables the integration and cooperation of intelligence and operations through CISC and the Canadian Integrated Response to Organized Crime (CIROC) – under the governance of the National Executive Committee and each Provincial Executive Committee. Participating agencies commit to: contributing information to a common, national intelligence database; collecting and sharing information for the production of an annual, integrated threat assessment; and, using the resulting threat assessments for enforcement priority setting.

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